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Pictures of the Year
Judging news categories for POY77



From February 10-14, 2020, I served as a news category judge in the annual Pictures of the Year contest. The session included judging in the Daily Life, Spot  News, General News, Impact 2019 - Immigration Status, Daily Life Picture Story, Portrait, Portrait Series, Local News Picture Story, and Photographer of the Year (local) categories.

At its heart, POY declares itself an educational program. Connecting students and the public with he curated work in POY shows the value of photojournalism and allows people to interpret the news and historic events through an empathetic lens. The judging sessions are an open forum for anyone to quietly observe the process. 


RITPJ student Joey Ressler at Susan B. Anthony gravesite in Mt. Hope Cemetery on Election Day November 11, 2016.. (Photograph by A. Sue Weisler)

Best of Photojournalism
Serving as a judge over multiple years

Renowned as “the contest designed for photojournalists by photojournalists,” and incorporating the many facets of the visual journalism industry, NPPA’s Best of Photojournalism competition annually attracts the most talented professionals in four divisions – still  photography, video, online visual journalism, and editing – collectively representing nearly 100 categories.

The images and stories entered in the competition are created by some of the most outstanding visual journalists of our time. More than just compelling photos and videos, though, the entries are storytelling images and essays about some of the most important issues facing us today. The competition truly is a rejoicing of the fact that photojournalism remains the best way to tell the world’s story!

BOP 2021



Photo History, Photo Future
A conference hosted by RIT Press

In April 2018, RIT hosted a three-day conference exploring the practice, profession, scholarship, preservation and access to photography’s history, present day expression and projected opportunities and challenges for the future. Sponsored and organized by RIT Press, the Rochester Institute of Technology’s scholarly book publishing enterprise, and The Wallace Center at RIT, the conference was a forum for reporting research findings, sharing current professional and scholarly practices, and discussing subjects pertinent to the broadly defined, multifaceted history and future of photography, including motion pictures.

The conference engages practitioners, librarians, archivists and the diverse scholarly disciplines on historically significant subjects and topics of future interest.


Photo Education Panel

“Shifting Focus: The Editorial vs. Educational Eye,” 

Sara Manco, National Geographic Society


“The Blurring Distinctions of Taking versus Making Photographs: Teaching Photography in a Digital Culture,” 

Kathy Petitte Novak, University of Illinois Springfield, Brytton Bjorngaard, University of Illinois Springfield


“Putting the Photograph Back into Photography,” 

Alice Carver-Kubik, Rochester Institute of Technology

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