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360 Video
Exploring mixed media and storytelling

In 2016, I was awarded a Provost Learning Innovation Grant along with colleagues Juilee Decker, Joe Geigel, Susan Lakin, Josh Meltzer and Nitin Sampat to purchase new 360 video and audio gear for experimentation in class and through Frameless Labs, a cohort of professors interested in working with 360 video storytelling.


As part of this grant, I had a chance to work with Meltzer and College of Liberal Arts History Associate Professor Tamar Carroll on their project "WhoseStreets? Our Streets!" In March 2018, Meltzer and I traveled to New York with Associate Professors Nitin Sampat and Josh Thorson, Senior Systems Administrator Jay Sullivan and several RIT students, using the Facebook Surround 360 camera to capture stereo 360 video of nine locations captured in historic images featured in Carroll's book.


In June 2018, I conducted research at the New York Public Library and the Paley Center for Media looking for archival audio and video from two of the nine locations. We also collaborated with then Visiting Assistant Professor lhab Mardini to begin creating a VR experience that combined contemporary, historic and animated content to enhance audience understanding of this important period in New York's history. 

In November 2018, Meltzer, Mardini, and I presented in-progress work during the Frameless Labs Symposium. 

PLIG Recipients

Juilee Decker - College of Liberal Arts

Joe Geigel - Golisano College of Computing                            and Information Sciences

Susan Lakin - College of Art & Design

Josh Meltzer - College of Art & Design

Nitin Sampat - College of Art & Design

FB360/"Whose Streets, Our Streets" Participants

Boris Shirman

Jay SullivanCollege of Art & Design

Josh ThorsonCollege of Art & Design


Assistant Professor Ihab Mardini, from School of Design.during the PLIG expo. (Photograph by Jenn Poggi)

Video by Jenn Poggi

Photography by Jenn Poggi

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